Code of Conduct & Student Handbook

Participation in athletic programs in Lincoln Consolidated Schools is considered an honor and a privilege that entails an obligation by students to an individual school, the District and the community.  This Code is in effect year round (12 months) and participants are expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at all times, including functions that occur outside of school.

The Lincoln Consolidated Schools Athletic Code of Conduct has been developed and implemented to provide a common set of rules for all students participating in athletics.  The Athletic Code of Conduct deals with specific violations that should be applied within every program; however, the code is not intended to be all-inclusive.  If no penalty is listed in the code, the coach has the authority to determine the penalty (consistent with the philosophy of the code).


Enforcement of this section will take place year round and shall involve violations of this Code that occur at school functions as well as outside of school functions. 

 A.  Substance Use – Students participating in athletic programs are prohibited from the use, possession, or transmittal of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or any drug substance not prescribed to the student by a doctor.  Excellent physical and mental condition is necessary for high performance as well as to protect the personal health and safety of the participant and other participants.  Failure to follow substance use standards of the District will result in disciplinary action as specified below.

B.  Conduct  – Students are expected to demonstrate the highest level of conduct at all times. All students participating in athletic programs are to display personal control under practice, contest, and spectator conditions toward their teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and other spectators.  Examples of violations include, but are not limited to:  gambling, vandalism, unsportsmanlike conduct, theft, fighting, hazing, burglary, bullying, and assault.  Failure to follow conduct standards of the District will result in disciplinary action as specified below.


 Sanctions for violating the Athletic Code of Conduct are set forth below.  In the event that the Code or other school policies do not cover the situations that arise, the administration reserves the right to establish such rules, conditions, and penalties to respond effectively to unanticipated or unique circumstances.  A single violation may be deemed severe enough by school administration as to warrant the enforcement of a single violation as if it were a second or third violation.  A student may not participate in athletics (including practice) while a felony charge is pending.  A student may not participate in athletics (including practice) while on school suspension.  The building principal and/or his/her designee may suspend or exclude a student from participation in a program.

  1.  First Offense – After confirmation of a violation (by the student, their parent/guardian, or a school official), the student will not be allowed to participate in athletics for 20% of the regular season contests.  If less than 20% of the regular season remains, the suspension will carryover to any post season contests in that sport.  If the student is unable to complete the suspension within the current sport season, the suspension will be prorated into the next sport in which the student participates and completes the season in good standing, even though it may carry over into the next school year.
  2. Second Offense – After confirmation of a second violation (by the student, their parent/guardian, or a school official), the student will not be allowed to participate in athletics for 50% of the regular season contests.  If less than 50% of the regular season remains, the suspension will carryover to any post season contests in that sport.  If the student is unable to complete the suspension within the current sport season, the suspension will be prorated into the next sport in which the student participates and completes the season in good standing, even though it may carry over into the next school year.
  3. Third Offense – After confirmation of a third violation, the student will be dismissed from that team and be excluded from all athletic participation for one calendar year.


Appeals of any section of this Code must be in writing and initiated by a student or their parents/guardians. Appeals must first be directed to the building principal.

  1. A request for an appeal shall be made within three (3) days of the date action was taken and must be made in writing stating the adjustments being requested and the reasons therefore.
  2. The student and/or the student’s parents/guardians and affected teachers or coaches have a right to be present at all review hearings and must be notified in advance of the time and place. Both the affected student and the administration have a right to present witnesses at all review hearings.
  3. Based on review of the appeal, the building principal will adjust, revoke, or sustain the action.
  4. The building principal shall decide the activities in which the student shall be permitted to participate pending the outcome of the appeal.
  5. In cases where action was taken directly by the principal and/or cases where dissatisfaction exists with the results of the review hearing by the principal, an appeal may be made within three (3) days in writing to the District Superintendent.  The review hearing must be held within three (3) days of receipt of the appeal.
  6. The student and/or parents/guardians will be notified of the results of the appeal within 24 hours.


All Lincoln High School students are governed by the Student Code of Conduct.  In addition, student-athletes are further governed by the rules and regulations of the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), National Federation, league rules and specific team rules.  Some commonly used MHSAA regulations are listed below.  This list is a partial list and not intended to cover all MHSAA regulations.



(Partial list not intended to be all-inclusive)

 A.    Enrollment – To be eligible for interscholastic athletics, a student must be enrolled in a high school not later than the fourth Friday after Labor Day (first semester) or the fourth Friday of February (second semester).  The student must reside in the school service area in which he/she attends school unless he/she has received prior District and MHSAA approval to compete in a different school.

B.    Age – A student who competes in any interscholastic athletic contests must be under nineteen (19) years of age, except that a student whose nineteenth (19th) birthday occurs on or after September 1 of a current school year is eligible for the balance of that school year.

C.    Physical Examination/Parent Approval – No student shall be eligible to represent a high school for whom there is not on file in the offices of the principal or athletic director of that school, a statement for the current school year certifying that the student has passed a physical examination and is physically able to compete in athletic tryouts, practices, and contests. The physical examination must take place April 15 or later to be used for the current school year. The student SHALL NOT PARTICIPATE in any practice sessions or contests until the completed form has been turned in to the building athletic director or athletic trainer.

D. Seasons of Competition/Semesters of Enrollment – A student, once enrolled in grade 9, shall be allowed to compete in only four first semesters and four second semesters.  A student shall not compete in athletics who has been enrolled in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, for more than eight semesters.  The seventh and eighth semesters must be consecutive.

E. Awards – A student may accept, for participation in athletics, a symbolic or merchandise award which does not have a fair market value or cost in excess of $25.  Awards for athletic participation in the form of cash, merchandise certificates, or any other type of negotiable documents are never allowed.

F. Maintaining Amateur Status – Eligibility for interscholastic athletics at MHSAA member schools is limited to amateurs, meaning those student-athletes who have not received gifts of material or money and have not received other valuable considerations, including special considerations for loans, because of athletic performance or potential.  Treatment of or privileges received by athletes or their families that are not provided or available to all students violate the principles of amateurism in interscholastic athletics.  Gifts or loans to family members, based on the student’s athletic performance or potential, are treated as gifts or loans to the student and violate that student’s amateur status.

G. Limited Team Membership – A student who, after practicing with (including tryouts) or participating in an athletic contest or scrimmage as a member of a high school athletic team, participates in any athletic competition not sponsored by his/her school in the same sport during the same season, shall become ineligible for a minimum of the next three (3) days of competition and a maximum of the remainder of that season in that school year (unless otherwise specified in the MHSAA Handbook).

H. Transfers – A student enrolled in grades 9 through 12 who transfers from one high school or junior high/middle school to another high school is ineligible to participate in an interscholastic athletic contest or scrimmage for 1 full semester in the school to which the student transfers (unless the student qualifies under one or more of the exceptions listed in the MHSAA Handbook).



 A. Academic Eligibility – In order to be academically eligible to participate in athletics, a student must meet MHSAA guidelines AND Lincoln High School academic eligibility standards.  If a student does not meet MHSAA standards, the student will be ineligible for competition for the next 60 scheduled school days.  The student may practice with the team during this period of ineligibility.

  1. All students must meet MHSAA requirements (pass 66% of full credit load potential for a full time student).
  2. If a student meets MHSAA requirements, he/she must have a 2.0 GPA at each marking period (every 5 weeks) to remain eligible.
  3. If a student falls below the 2.0 GPA at a marking period, he/she will go on academic probation for the next marking period.  The student can still practice and compete while on academic probation.  When grades are checked at the next marking period, the student must be at or above a 2.0 GPA to maintain eligibility.  If the student is still below a 2.0 GPA at the end of academic probation, the student becomes ineligible for the next marking period.
  4. A student may use academic probation only once during a sport season.
  5. Cumulative or previous semester GPA may be used in place of the marking period GPA for eligibility purposes.
  6. GPA can be improved through participation in summer school classes.

 B.  Participation Fee – All Lincoln High School athletes must pay a $140 fee to participate in athletics.  If a student is on free/reduced lunch, the fee is reduced to $70.  This fee covers the entire school year.

C.  Student Attendance the day of competition – Students are to attend school during the total school day if they plan to participate in an athletic contest during the same day or evening. If there is a situation in which the student cannot attend school the day of a contest and normally would receive an excused absence with the exception of illness, the student will be allowed to participate in the contest upon approval of the building principal or designee.

D.  Traveling to and from away athletic contests –  Any student traveling to an away athletic contest as a member of a team, on schoolowned or chartered mode of transportation or other approved vehicles, shall return to the home school on the same vehicle after the contest is over. The only exception is if a parent or guardian submits a written request to the athletic director or their designee and receives approval to take their student home from the contest.  Students will only be released to their parents or guardians or parents of other students as designees.

E.  Attendance at Practice Sessions or Athletic Contests – Attendance at practice sessions is necessary to prepare athletes physically and mentally for athletic contests. Team members shall be at ALL PRACTICE SESSIONS AND SCHEDULED ATHLETIC CONTESTS. There are situations when it is impossible for a participant to attend due to illness, injury, or religious observance. The participant shall make PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS with the coach for an excused absence.  Students not attending practices or scheduled athletic contests outside of these dates for reason of PERSONAL VACATION OR PERSONAL BUSINESS will be considered unexcused.

F.  Dual Sport Participation – Student-athletes wishing to participate in more than one sport within the same season must make prior arrangements with the Athletic Director and appropriate coaches to resolve any potential participation conflicts.  Both coaches must agree to participation guidelines.

G. Summer and Off-Season Programs – A variety of sports, clinics, and training programs are offered to students during the summer months and off-season by colleges, organizations, or individual coaches. Since these programs are held in the summer and off season and are VOLUNTARY, a student shall not be required to enroll in these programs as a condition for membership on an athletic team for the succeeding school year or sport season.

 H.  College Eligibility – The NCAA establishes academic standards for high school students that will determine college athletic eligibility. The academic standards may change yearly.  Any student/athlete who attends a Division I or II University and plans to participate in intercollegiate athletics must complete a student release form and mail it to the NCAA Clearinghouse.  Additional information is available online (

 I.  Insurance – Lincoln Consolidated Schools DOES NOT PROVIDE accident insurance for student athletes. All students who participate in athletics MUST PROVIDE PROOF of insurance on their athletic physical form.  There are inherent risks associated with participation in athletic programs. We encourage all families to have adequate insurance coverage for their children. Parents and their insurance company must pay for any medical bills incurred for injuries sustained at school, school sponsored events, athletic practices or events, or on school property.

As a service to students and their families, the District is making available a student accident insurance plan for your child at a very nominal cost.  Copies of the brochures are available in the Lincoln Athletic Office.  If your student athlete is already covered by another insurance policy, please be aware that the District will not pay medical bills that are not covered by your insurance policy. If you feel you do not have adequate insurance coverage, we are happy to make this student accident insurance plan available for you to purchase.  


Q: How do I proceed if I have concerns about a coach?
A: Step 1 – Start at the source.  The student should talk directly with the coach, in private, face to face. 

Step 2 – Parent contacting the coach.  Contact the coach to talk directly, in private, face to face. 

Step 3 – If necessary, talk with the A.D. and the person who the difficulty involves.


Appropriate concerns to discuss:

  1. Treatment of your child.
  2. Ways to help your child improve.
  3. Concerns about your child’s physical health and welfare, academic progress, of violation of the code of conduct.

Areas of control that belong to a coach:

  1. Tryout procedures, team placement, team size and selection criteria.
  2. Position(s) played, lineups, and playing time.
  3. Offensive and defensive strategies, play calling, and style of play.
  4. Practice plans, drills, and scrimmages.
  5. Coaching staff.